Michael McAsey

Bradley Hall 460
(309) 677-2491
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Iowa
Research Interests: applied mathematics, operator theory
Michael McAsey has taught over 25 different courses at all levels of the mathematics curriculum. "Even after teaching calculus many times, it is still fun to see students wrestle with the ideas and then arrive at an understanding of the fundamental ideas and applications of the subject." He has also directed several Senior Projects on topics ranging from wavelets to differential equations to optimization. Prof. McAsey's research included early work in operator theory and operator algebras to more recent work in applications of optimal control to economics and more theoretical aspects of optimization.
Personal Web Page here.
- Math 121 02
- Math 223 01
- Math 223 03
Office Hours
M W T F 11:15 - 11:45
M W 3:30 - 4:00
Thur 3:30 - 4:00
Optimization, especially optimal control theory and its applications to problems in economics; operator theory and operator algebras. More information on Curriculum Vita at http://hilltop.bradley.edu/~mcasey/Vita3.pdf
Committee service at all levels of the university including Curriculum and Regulations, Library, Tenure and Promotion, and many search committees. McAsey has also served 12 years as department chair and two terms as University Senate President. Professional service includes work on editorial committees for book series of the MAA and referee for several journals.