5.03 Electronic Mail Privacy

I. Purpose

The purpose of the email privacy policy is to document the level of privacy to be expected of Bradley University email systems.

II. Description

Academic Use of E-Mail

Use of E-Mail by Bradley University faculty and students is considered personal and proprietary to the individual. Unauthorized access to this email is prohibited. Access of another’s email requires Provost’s authorization. This authorization is expected to be rarely granted.

Administrative Use of Electronic Mail 

University business is conducted using Bradley University email systems. This email is considered the property of Bradley University. Unauthorized access to this email is prohibited. Access of another’s email requires the Vice President of the applicable unit’s authorization. This authorization may be expected to be routinely granted upon staff termination.

Individuals with multiple roles (i.e. staff and student) should consider segregating their academic from administrative email use.

III. Scope

This policy applies to all Bradley University computer and network users.

Date Approved      
Dates Revised      
Dates Reviewed