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6.02 Electronic Identity Authentication Policy

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define the requirements to allow the BUnetID to be used as a valid proof of identity when doing business electronically with Bradley University.

II. Description

Bradley University network login (BUnetID) may, at the option of the Bradley University Office involved, be used as proof of identity when communicating electronically with that Bradley University office to request particular services. This policy documents the requirements for securing BUnetID so that it may be used in this way.

The BUnetID is the ‘userid’ assigned to an individual by Bradley University. The BUnetID has an associated password that is known only by the person to whom the BUnetID has been assigned. If this requirement is met then this form of identification can reasonably be used to ‘do business with’ Bradley University. To assure that these basic requirements are met we must take the following steps:

  • Actively communicate to all constituents that their BuNetID may be used to identify them electronically to perform tasks that previously required a written signature. For this reason they must guard the password just as they would a driver’s license, a passport or other forms of identification.
  • Authenticate the identity of the person being provided this userid and password using government issued documents or procedures.
  • Securely transmit instructions for initializing the account.
  • Provide a way to secure the account in a timely manner when a user believes it has been compromised.

III. Scope

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, administrators and students. Use of this method of identification is a prerogative of the University office involved.

Date Approved      
Dates Revised      
Dates Reviewed