6.07 Student Account Access By Non-Owner

I. Purpose

The purpose of the Student Account Access By Non-Owner policy is to clearly define the circumstances where someone other than the owner of an account would be provided access to University resources of a Bradley student.

II. Description

Data Ownership

Data that resides on University resources or resources for which Bradley contracts for student access belongs to Bradley University. Bradley does however value the security and privacy of these data.

Bradley staff or faculty will not be granted access to ‘student data’ including network logs of individual activity, except with the approval of the Provost. The most likely reason for granting this type of access is to investigate security breaches.

Bradley will comply with all legal subpoenas. In addition, Bradley will act to preserve data in the absence of a subpoena when notified of anticipated legal action.

III. Procedures

IV. Scope

This policy applies to email account content as well as data on University workstations and servers that are assigned to a Bradley student or former student. This policy applies to all students and former students whether living or deceased. Further access to these data do not pass to the survivors.

Date Approved      
Dates Revised      
Dates Reviewed