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Guidelines for use of Bradley Communication Channels

Electronic mail provides a fast and efficient means of communication. However, unsolicited advertisements (spam) both annoy users and introduce system inefficiencies. Bradley has invested significant resources to reduce spam generated outside our community and targeted at Bradley users. However, no technologies are in use to prevent messages generated and distributed internally (by Bradley users for Bradley users). Although one may think that others are interested in, and need to know, the information one is tempted to distribute broadly by sending mass e-mail, one person’s "information" is another person’s spam. In hopes that members of the community will curtail the distribution of unsolicited e-mail, the Academic Computing Advisory Committee, in cooperation with University Relations, offers this reminder of the excellent ways in which University Relations will work with you to see that your message is distributed effectively. We encourage you to take advantage of these services.

The staff of University Relations at Bradley maintains a variety of communication media through which they communicate a range of news to the many University constituencies on an on-going basis. The media used include

  • E-mail
  • web pages
  • newsletters
  • brochures
  • news releases
  • alumni magazine
  • catalogs
  • audix phone system
  • advertising
  • videos

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to submit announcements, news, calendar items, and story ideas to University Relations as it acts as a clearinghouse for the dissemination of information to Bradley constituencies. University Relations staff members will consult with campus groups to determine the best channels to use to reach the desired audience(s).

Employing the communication services of University Relations will result in effective, consistent, and efficient distribution of information to University constituencies and will reduce redundant and unsolicited communications.

Services and Contacts


Weekday transmission via e-mail to faculty and staff (students and others may subscribe) contact Libby Derry; ext. 3260. Faculty and staff, and some students, receive this daily. This method is the preferred mode for mass distribution of "internal" e-mail messages and announcements (rather than individuals using global address books or long lists of e-mail addresses to send e-mail to Bradley constituents).


Portal designed for students featuring news/event announcements and more. Contact Libby Derry; ext. 3260.


Web site featuring University news, events, calendar, student achievements--contact Libby Derry; ext. 3260

Calendar of Events

Web-based listing of campus events, contact Libby Derry; ext. 3260 for more information on how to get your events listed.

Bradley Magazine

University magazine published three times a year for alumni, faculty, parents of current students and other friends of the university.

Contact (; ext 2250)