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Get A QuickCard


All incoming enrolled students will receive a Quick Card.

Freshmen and transfer students will receive their Quick Card during Orientation when a photo is submitted. If you are not attending Orientation you may submit a photo and pick up your Quick Card at the IT Service Desk in the library. See the Photo Submission link for more information.

A current government issued photo ID is required for identity verification. This includes a driver’s license, State ID, or passport. Driver’s licenses from foreign countries, college or university ID cards, credit/bank cards, or insurance cards are not accepted.


All new faculty/staff will receive a Quick Card. New and returning employees must visit the Payroll Office to complete all required documents prior to being eligible for a Quick Card. Employees are also required to present a government issued photo ID for identity verification.

Replacement cards are issued for damaged, lost, or stolen cards at the IT Service Desk in the library. Replacement fees may apply.