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Sanctions for Students

When a student is found responsible for violations of the Conduct Policy, the Board or Hearing Officer, will determine the appropriate sanction. In determining an appropriate sanction, the hearing body may consider sanctions that have previously been imposed against the student for other violations, rules or regulations. Possible sanctioning may include but is not limited to:

  • Parental Notification: A student who is dismissed or suspended will be required to notify his/her parent or legal guardian of the fact and the reasons. If the parent or legal guardian is not notified by the student within a reasonable amount of time, the Executive Director of Residential Living and Student Conduct will make the notification. A student under the age of 21 who is found in violation of the University’s policies on the use and/or possession of illegal drugs or paraphernalia will be required to notify his/her parents or legal guardian. A student under the age of 21 who is found responsible for a violation involving alcohol misuse or abuse may also be required to notify his/her parent or legal guardian.
  • Other dispositions: At the conclusion of any case in which a student is found not responsible, the charges will be dismissed.
  • Campus or Community Assistance Requirement: An individual or group may be assigned to perform a task or spend a specified number of hours in a supervised campus or community project.
  • Referrals: A student may be referred to an appropriate University or community resource for special assistance or information if it is felt there may be a possibility of altering the student’s unacceptable behavior.
  • Fines or Restitution: A student may be fined or assessed restitution for violating a University regulation.
  • Censure: Censure indicates misconduct more serious than a warning, but not serious enough for probation and loss of good standing, and shall continue for a specified time. Another violation while under censure can lead to more serious Conduct sanctions.
  • Banning: An individual student or group of students may be banned, when appropriate, from any or all buildings or grounds owned or operated by the University, or from any University program or activity, for a specified amount of time. Any student suspended or dismissed from the University is banned from the University during the period of his/her sanction. (For a definition of these properties owned or operated by the University, contact the Bradley Police Department.)
  • Disciplinary Probation: Disciplinary probation is a status between good standing and suspension or dismissal from the University. It specifies a time period during which the student is not considered to be in good standing in terms of personal conduct but may remain enrolled under specified conditions according to University policies. If the conditions are fulfilled during the time period, probation is lifted and the student is returned to good standing. If the conditions are not fulfilled, the student will be dismissed, suspended, or the probation may be extended, as appropriate in a given case. Students found in violation of further infractions of the Conduct Policy while on disciplinary probation may face suspension or dismissal. Rulings in these instances shall be made by Residential Living and Student Conduct.
  • Suspension from the University: University suspension is an involuntary separation of a student from the University that specifies a time limit and the conditions to be met before a student may request reinstatement. A student suspended for Conduct reasons is not considered to be in good standing in terms of personal conduct by the University. Students returning to the University after suspension may be placed on disciplinary probation. Students returning to the University after suspension may be required to live in the residence halls for up to one full academic year.
  • Dismissal from the University: University dismissal is an involuntary permanent separation of a student from the University. A student dismissed for Conduct reasons is not considered, in terms of personal conduct, to have left the University in good standing. A student who is dismissed or suspended is subject to the refund policy as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog under Complete Official Withdrawal.

Sanctions for Student Organizations

When a Student Organization is found responsible for violations of the Conduct Policy, the Board or Hearing Officer, will determine the appropriate sanction. In determining an appropriate sanction, the hearing body may consider sanctions that have previously been imposed against the organization for other violations, rules or regulations. Possible sanctioning may include but is not limited to:

  • Censure: Censure indicates misconduct more serious than a warning, but not serious enough for probation and loss of good standing, and shall continue for a specified time. Another violation while under censure can lead to more serious Conduct sanctions.
  • Campus or Community Assistance Requirement: A student organization may be assigned to perform a task or spend a specified number of hours in a supervised campus or community project.
  • Fines or Restitution: A student organization may be fined or assessed restitution for violating a University regulation.
  • Loss of Privileges: May include, but are not limited to, loss of any or all of the following:
    • Loss of housing releases
    • Hosting or participating in events or activities
    • Participating or receiving funding through the Student Activities Budget Review Committee (SABRC) appropriations process
    • Use of space and privileges in the Student Center, Garrett Center, Markin Center and other on-campus facilities
    • Representing the university in an official capacity
    • Leadership roles or positions in appointed or elected office with that organization's governing body
  • Disciplinary Probation: A specific period of time during which an organization is required to report to the Student Activities Office on a regular basis in order to assess current behavior. If the conditions are fulfilled during the time period, probation is lifted and the student organization is returned to good standing. If the conditions are not fulfilled, the student organization will be suspended, or the probation may be extended, as appropriate in a given case. Student organizations found in violation of further infractions of the Conduct Policy while on disciplinary probation may face suspension or dismissal.
  • Social Probation: A specific period of time during which an organization is required not to hold specific types of social activities.
  • Suspension: Suspension means denial of rights and privileges of official Student Organizations for a specific period of time. Any organization whose registration is suspended or revoked must cease all organizational activities upon receipt of the notice of revocation or suspension. Any member of a suspended organization may not hold an appointed or elected office with that organization's governing body for the duration of the organization's period of suspension.
  • Permanent Revocation of Organization's Registration: Permanent Revocation of the organization's registration means revocation without ability to apply for a new registration. Any organization whose registration is permanently revoked must cease all organizational activities upon receipt of the notice of permanent revocation. Any member of an organization whose registration has been permanently revoked shall relinquish any appointed or elected office held with that organization's governing body.